Step-by-step guide to Start the Conversation
Bringing up mental health to someone can seem intimidating. You may feel uncomfortable, unsure of what to say and even afraid of offending them. And yet, these discussions are vital to reducing stigma and breaking down barriers that keep individuals from seeking support and treatment.
The Start the Conversation Guide is a central component of the 1in5 Campaign. It aims to conquer the discomfort of discussing mental health by providing information and tools to foster a culture that supports emotional wellbeing. Although this guide is primarily designed for use in the workplace, the concepts and tools can be applied in virtually any setting – be it at home or in your community.
Additional resources include the short Start the Conversation flash course video, handouts and infographics.
Download the guide
Access step-by-step instructions, plus information and tools to foster a workplace culture that supports emotional wellbeing – and translate for use in any setting.