Tips for students to help prevent burnout

Sometimes, balancing work, family, hobbies, chores and other obligations can be difficult. Add school into the mix, and the build-up of stress and busyness can lead to burnout. If you find that keeping up with competing obligations affects your wellbeing, consider using some of these tips.

Recognize burnout

When stress goes unchecked, it can lead to burnout. It’s easy to get so busy that you forget to notice the warning signs. Recognizing burnout is the first step toward preventing it and returning to doing what you love. Symptoms include:

  • High levels of stress

  • Lack of motivation

  • Insomnia

  • Low energy and exhaustion

  • Excessive worrying and intrusive thoughts

  • Physical illness

  • Headaches

  • Irritability

Preventing burnout

Proactively avoid burnout by taking the steps below to help you relax and recharge.

  • Set boundaries. You might feel tired and stressed when you take on too many responsibilities. Remember that it is OK to tell people, “No.” Some helpful boundaries might include turning down overtime at work, setting a designated time to stop working on schoolwork or choosing a night of self-care over an outing with friends. Prioritize what is important to you and give yourself permission to let some things go.

  • Be realistic with your goals. Whether you’re juggling classes with a part-time job or managing family matters while studying for exams, it can be tempting to try and do it all. Take a step back and reassess your goals. Ask yourself if your goals are realistic. Can you accomplish everything you want? Are you giving yourself enough time to complete the most important tasks while still caring for your wellbeing? Keep these questions in mind when setting your goals.

  • Take time for yourself. Remember that to perform your best at school or work, it’s essential to take care of your wellbeing, too. Take breaks to give yourself a chance to rest and recharge. For example, schedule time between obligations to do something just for you. Whether you indulge in a hot bath or treat yourself to a nice dinner, taking care of yourself can help you return to the rest of your day with renewed energy.

  • Maintain healthy habits. Late study nights and busy schedules can make staying healthy challenging. Adding one or two easy healthy habits into your routine can make a world of difference to your wellbeing. Waking up and going to bed around the same time each day, even if you have the day off, can help you stay on track. Drinking plenty of water, eating a balanced diet and staying active can boost your mood and keep your energy levels high.

Find more helpful insight in My Student Life Toolkit.